Sunday, April 25, 2010


These last handful of days have been the most exhausting so far. It's gotten to the point where the thought of getting up, even to do a simple task like emptying the dishwasher, is so tiring that I prefer to just lay on the couch.

I've been fatigued most of the time so far this pregnancy, but it's gotten extra bad this last week. And now I know why. Apparently, according to, my body is busy making the placenta.

Here's what the website has to say on the subject:

Week 11 Pregnancy Tip: Feeling Tired During Pregnancy

Are your two favorite positions these days sitting and lying down? Pregnancy fatigue is normal. That's because you're running a baby-making factory that's in business 24/7 (and since you're the only employee, you're on the clock around the clock), causing your pregnant body to work harder at rest than your nonpregnant body did on the run. And for the next few weeks, a baby's not the only thing in production — so is the placenta, the magnificently complex mission control that will serve as your baby's life-support system until delivery. The result? You feel tired and overworked, even when you're not doing a darn thing. Your energy should pick up once the placenta is up and running and your system adjusts (as best as it can) to the hormonal changes of pregnancy — probably early in the second trimester. In the meantime, keep your blood-sugar level up with frequent snacks of complex carbs and protein (cheese and crackers; nuts and dried fruit), try a little exercise (which can actually give you an energy boost), and most of all — listen to your body. When it calls for a break, take one.

Click HERE if you want to see the entire article.

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