Wednesday, April 28, 2010


You know, I've gotta take a moment to say that my doctor is amazing!

I had a doctor's appointment today, and it went really well. :-) Mark, of course, went with me. There was no ultrasound today, but they were able to detect a heartbeat with the Doppler, which is awesome. At the end of the appointment, I asked my doctor a ton of questions! One of them being whether or not it was safe to start telling the world about our news.

My doctor said that this is a time that I should be enjoying and that waiting for the exact 12 week mark isn't a magical time frame. He said that there's no magic in 12 weeks and that if it's a viable pregnancy with recorded cardiac activity, there is a very good chance of carrying a baby to a viable age. I'm 11 weeks 2 days today, and while some people may have waited for the 12 week mark, I figured that 5 days doesn't make that much of a difference in the long run!

So, hopefully, the rest of my pregnancy will go smoothly and will be drama free! Mark and I are so excited to be able to share the news with everyone and to be able to talk about it freely!

Thank you to everyone for your well wishes and support!

Next appointment: June 2nd :-)

1 comment:

  1. Finally I dont have to worry about spilling the secret!!
