Monday, April 19, 2010


I'm 10 weeks pregnant today!

It's exciting that I'm getting so close to my second trimester! :-) I'm only 14 days away from being able to announce our wonderful news to the world!

Within the last week, I would say that the only major symptom that I've had is that now the SMELL of meat bothers me. Up until now, it's just been the taste, but now it's the smell. And it's awful. Hopefully, I'll start liking meat again soon because it's kind of hard to get my protein! I don't even like fish or tofu right now. It's as if my body is rejecting all protein!

I weighed myself this morning for the first time since I got pregnant, and I have gained zero pounds. LOL. I guess that means I've been doing good on my food intake? I know I have to gain weight at some point, but it's alright if I don't gain weight during my first trimester, right? After all, my meals have consisted of fruit, fruit and more fruit.

Here are some images of what a baby looks like at 10 weeks.

This is supposedly the feet of a 10 week old fetus.

1 comment:

  1. maybe you should do a fruit themed nursery! haha kidding!! cant wait to see you and the prune tomorrow :)
