Saturday, April 24, 2010


I love my pregnancy journal! Well, it's called "The Pregnancy Journal" and the wonderful, awesome, godmother of my first born child, Amy Moody got it for me. :-)

It's such an informative journal! I love it! The days are easy to track, and I love being able to record how I'm feeling, what I'm weighing in at on certain days, etc. It'll be really fun to look back on this journal after the baby is born. :-)

Thank you, Amy!!!

Here is the excerpt for today, April 24, 2010:

"For Baby: Ossification centers are established in the skull; those in the long bones continue to develop as your baby becomes more solid. That baby's bones and muscles are growing rapidly. The baby's developing body begins to attain proportions more like a newborn baby's.

For Mommy: Although weight gain fluctuates from week to week, your average weight gain is about a pound a week (2/3 of a pound a week if you were overweight when you got pregnant).

Food Facts: To support the baby's production of cartilage and bone tissue, three to four servings of calcium-containing foods will probably satisfy the 1,000 mg daily requirement. In addition to milk and yogurt, other excellent food sources of calcium include cheese (especially Swiss, provolone, and Monterey jack, sardines, salmon, and broccoli."

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