Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Mark and I found out today that we're having a baby boy! I started crying when the technician told us. It was just such a wonderful feeling knowing that we're going to have a SON! And even better, the technician and the doctor said that the baby looks healthy, which is awesome!

Mark and I already feel so blessed! We feel so lucky and relieved that we have a healthy baby boy on the way. It's when you see images like the ones below when you truly realize how awesome God's power is!

Here is the proof that it's a boy! And he wasn't very shy about it either! He was curled up in a ball, and his feet were by his head. So, basically, he was spread eagle...showing us his goods.

Here is the shot of one of his feet next to his head. Notice all of his perfect little toes???

This is a picture of his beautiful spinal cord. :-)

Here is his face. :-) It's kind of a creepy shot, but still. Imagine the skull-like image with flesh around it. LOL.

Here is a video of the baby's heart beating. You can see all four chambers of the heart! Amazing!

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