Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I had my 16 weeks doctor's appointment today, and it went really well. :-) I got to hear the baby's heart beat again, and wonderful nurse Mary told me that it was beating in that 150s per minute. We also got to listen to the placenta. :-)

On June 29th, Mark and I are going to the Texas Perinatal Group to get an anatomical screening of the baby. So, we'll get to see the baby's heart, lungs, limbs, etc. And hopefully, if the baby chooses to cooperate, we will be able to find out if we're having a boy or a girl!

We also got our paperwork for St. David's Hospital so I can start the pre-registration process. :-) Mark and I, just for kicks, drove by St. David's Hospital after our doctor's appointment. It's so fun to know that THAT is where we will be delivering our baby. Now that I'm in my second trimester, time seems to be flying by!

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