Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I had to make one of the hardest decisions I've had to make in a long time. I decided to give Hunter up for adoption to another family. Our last day with him was just a few days ago on Sunday, and it was so difficult to walk away from him. I haven't cried like that in a long time.

While it's hard to wrap my mind around the fact that he's no longer living at our house and that I probably won't ever see him again, I know deep down that this was the right decision. And it wasn't a decision that I took lightly. I've been thinking about this for almost a year now, battling with what I should do. In the end, Baby Ben helped me to make the decision.

This will be best overall because having three dogs and a newborn baby would have been a lot to handle. Even though Hunter was the smallest member of the family, his barking and neurosis really took a toll on everyone, including the other two dogs. It was obvious that Hunter's bad habits (i.e. barking, possessiveness, neurosis) was rubbing off on the other two dogs, and it seemed to be getting worse over time. We just couldn't allow that to continue.

I am hopeful that Hunter will have a wonderful remainder of his life. He's almost 10 years old, and he probably has a good 5-6 years left in him. I hope that the next family loves him and appreciates all the cuteness and cuddliness that is Hunter. He will be missed in this family forever.

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