Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So, for several months now, I've had a vision of what I want the baby's nursery to look like. I am going to go for something along the lines of this:

(photo courtesy of

The only difference is that the tan part of the room will be a light green color. It's kind of hard to explain it, but I will try. So, there are four walls of the bedroom that will be the nursery. The bottom half of the walls will have a white wainscoting on it. The top half of only three of the walls will be painted light green. The one remaining wall (which will be the main wall that you see when you first walk into the room) will be painted an off white color. On that wall, I will have a tree painted, similar to the one in the picture, likely in the same light green color. It'll either be that, or all four walls are painted green (with the white wainscoting on the bottom half) with a white tree on the wall. Something along those lines. Details will have to be worked out when we actually begin work on the nursery. :-) What I do know is that I will likely have a bird theme in the room, especially if it's a girl. I have yet to decide weather or not I will have dark brown furniture or white furniture.

If the baby is a girl, then this is the bedding that I have been looking at for the past few months. :-)

(photo courtesy of

Isn't it cute?!? Anyway, we will see! I know I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but still. It's fun to think about!!!

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