Monday, March 29, 2010


So, I had my first doctor's appointment last week. Well, it was really one appointment split into two days. My appointment was originally on Wednesday, March 24th, but when I got there, my doctor had to leave because one of his full-term patients was in the hospital with an emergency. So, I went ahead and got my blood work done and went back on Friday, March 26th to get the results and take care of the rest of my appointment. :-)

All-in-all, the appointment went really well! My blood work came back healthy, no weird diseases or STDs, so that's good! LOL. The only thing that I wasn't able to have was my first ultrasound. That's because my due date isn't exactly easy to pinpoint. While most people just go by the first day of their last period to calculate a due date, I can't do that because I know for a fact that I ovulated a week later than average, so that changes my due date a little. This would put me at slightly not far enough along for an ultrasound to see anything significant (i.e. heart beat, etc.) So, we decided to wait another 1-2 weeks to allow more growth with the baby. And also, Mark will be able to be at the first ultrasound if we waited! :-) So, yay!

So, now our first ultrasound is scheduled for Wednesday, April 7th. Hopefully, we'll see some exciting stuff!

For those of you who are wondering, right now, I'm somewhere between 7-8 weeks pregnant. If you go by the first day of my last period, I'm 8 weeks pregnant. If you go by the day I ovulated, I am 7 weeks 2 days pregnant. So, somewhere between 7-8 weeks. Hopefully, an ultrasound will help to come up with a little more accurate due date.

Currently, my due date has been marked (by my doctor) as November 8, 2010.

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