Wednesday, March 10, 2010


It's crazy...this whole waiting game. I'm only about 4-5 weeks into my pregnancy, and knowing that I won't be seeing my doctor for two more weeks is making me all weird and anxious! I think I will feel better once I see him and get an ultrasound that shows me that everything is progressing the way that it should. I wish I wouldn't let my fears get the best of me, but unfortunately, it happens. I mean, every little tingle or sensation I feel in my stomach or abdomen area gets me all paranoid! Which probably isn't good for my stress level! Thank goodness for my exercise boot camp! That definitely helps to calm me down a bit.

I prayed a rosary last night because I was starting to feel anxious again. I realized that it the perfect thing to do when I'm feeling stressed out or worried. It's almost like meditation. So, I'm hoping that praying the rosary, exercise and my trip to Europe will distract me enough and keep me calm enough until my first OB appointment!

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